

来源: | 发布日期:4个月前 | 浏览次数:













  1. **精准规划**:缘通租赁的技术人员根据考场的具体情况,制定了详细的安装方案,确保了屏蔽效果的最大化。

  2. **高效执行**:从合同签订到设备安装完毕,整个流程仅用了短短几天时间,充分展现了缘通租赁的高效与专业。

  3. **无忧服务**:租赁期间,缘通租赁提供了全天候的技术支持与服务保障,确保设备在任何时候都能正常运行。

  4. **灵活租赁**:针对学院短期使用的需求,缘通租赁提供了灵活的租赁方案,既满足了学院的实际需求,又降低了学院的运营成本。




  **English Version**:

  **Successful Case of Mobile Phone Signal Blocker Rental in Zhangzhou, Fujian**

  In the era of rapid digital development, information security and order maintenance have become the focus of attention across various sectors. Recently, a renowned educational institution in Zhangzhou, Fujian Province – Wisdom Voyage Academy, successfully utilized the short-term rental service of mobile phone signal blockers provided by Yuantong Rental, ensuring the smooth operation of its annual examination week and earning praise from students, teachers, and parents alike.


  Wisdom Voyage Academy, a leading educational institution in Zhangzhou, is committed to providing students with a quality learning environment and a fair competitive platform. However, with the widespread use of smartphones and other electronic devices, cheating during exams has become a serious issue, threatening the integrity of examinations and academic honesty among students. To address this, the academy decided to adopt stricter anti-cheating measures for the upcoming final exam week, ensuring a pure and fair testing environment.

  **Demand Presentation**

  In preparation for the upcoming exam peak, Wisdom Voyage Academy promptly sought efficient and convenient anti-cheating solutions. After careful comparison and consideration, the academy chose to partner with Yuantong Rental to lease a batch of high-performance mobile phone signal blockers, covering all examination venues to effectively block signal transmission and prevent cheating.

  **Service Implementation**

  With its rich industry experience and professional service team, Yuantong Rental swiftly responded to the academys demand. Upon contract signing, the company dispatched technical personnel to the academy, who meticulously planned and installed the signal blockers based on the layout of exam rooms and signal characteristics. The entire installation process was efficient and orderly, ensuring stable operation of the equipment while minimizing disruption to daily teaching activities.

  **Customer Feedback**

  During the exam week, the signal blockers demonstrated remarkable effectiveness. According to the academys feedback


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