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  1. **需求对接**:缘通租赁的专业顾问团队第一时间与XX会议中心进行了深入沟通,详细了解了会议规模、场地布局及屏蔽需求,制定了详尽的租赁方案。

  2. **设备部署**:在会议前一周,缘通租赁派遣了技术团队前往XX会议中心,对会场进行了细致的勘察,并快速完成了手机屏蔽器的安装调试工作。同时,为确保设备稳定运行,技术人员还进行了多次测试与调整。

  3. **现场支持**:会议期间,缘通租赁安排了专人驻场,随时准备应对可能出现的突发情况。此外,还提供了24小时远程技术支持,确保任何问题都能得到及时解决。

  4. **回收与总结**:会议结束后,缘通租赁迅速完成了设备的回收与清点工作,并与XX会议中心进行了服务反馈交流,收集宝贵意见以不断优化服务流程。





  **English Version**:

  **Successful Case of Mobile Phone Signal Jammer Rental in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu: Smoothly Supporting a Key Business Summit**

  In todays rapidly advancing digital era, large-scale conferences and events have increasingly stringent requirements for communication environments, especially in scenarios requiring information security and prevention of interference. The renowned XX Convention Center in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, recently leveraged the short-term rental service of mobile phone signal jammers provided by Yuantong Rental, ensuring the smooth progress of an important business summit and earning high praise from organizers and participants alike.

  **Background and Challenge**

  This business summit gathered industry elites and representatives from prestigious enterprises nationwide, aiming to explore the latest trends and facilitate cooperation and exchange. Given the sensitivity and high-profile nature of the conference content, organizers imposed strict standards on the communication environment, specifically requiring effective mobile phone signal shielding to prevent leaks and unnecessary interruptions. However, purchasing shielding equipment outright would be costly, and subsequent maintenance and storage posed challenges. Therefore, finding a professional rental service provider became imperative.

  **Choosing Yuantong Rental**

  After thorough comparison and evaluation, XX Convention Center chose Yuantong Rental as its partner. Yuantong Rentals rich industry experience, professional equipment selection advice, and flexible rental solutions quickly gained the favor of organizers. In particular, the mobile phone signal jammers offered by Yuantong Rental boasted stable performance, wide coverage, and could be customized to the specific needs of the venue, ensuring maximum shielding effectiveness.

  **Implementation Details**

  1. **Demand Alignment**: Yuantong Rentals professional consultants engaged in detailed communication with XX Convention Center to understand the conference scale, venue layout, and shielding requirements, formulating a comprehensive rental plan.

  2. **Equipment Deployment**: A week before the conference, Yuantong Rental dispatched a technical team to conduct a thorough survey of the venue and swiftly completed the installation and commissioning of the signal jammers. Multiple tests and adjustments were performed to ensure


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